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Webfire Virtual Server Introduction

VMware ESX

Offering higher performance and greater possibilities at a much more attractive price point than a traditional shared hosting account make Virtual Servers (Sometimes known as Virtual Private Servers - or VPS'es) one of the most popular choices for our customers looking for a step up from traditional shared hosting accounts.

Virtual Servers are highly customizable and able to run almost any operating system. Our customers are utilizing our Virtual Server infrastructure to run high performance web server clusters, Microsoft Exchange and SQL clusters, and as an integral part of disaster recovery setups. Our co-location customers often purchase them as an addition to their accounts to run low system requirement services such as DNS and e-mail to free up rack space for higher requirement servers.
Virtual Server Platforms: Free Software  Windows Server 2008/2012

Free Software Virtual Server Plans

Free Software VMs

Our Free Software Virtual Machiens are one of our most popular options here at Webfire! Low price, high performance, and guaranteed availability make these Virtual Machines a popular choice for Hobbyists and Businesses alike!

VM Operating Systems Supported:
 - Debian
 - CentOS
 - SuSE
 - Fedora
 - FreeBSD

VMX 10 VMX 10

  •  40 GB SAN HD Space
  •  1 Virtual CPU (vCPU)
  •  256 MB RAM
  •  10 GB Monthly Transfers

  Starting at $35/mo

VMX 20 VMX 20

  •  80 GB SAN HD Space
  •  1 Virtual CPU (vCPU)
  •  512 MB RAM
  •  20 GB Monthly Transfers

  Starting at $70/mo

VMX 30 VMX 30

  •  160 GB SAN HD Space
  •  2 Virtual CPU's (vCPU's)
  •  1 GB RAM
  •  40 GB Monthly Transfers

  Starting at $140/mo

VMX 40 VMX 40

  •  250 GB SAN HD Space
  •  2 Virtual CPU's (vCPU's)
  •  2 GB RAM
  •  60 GB Monthly Transfers

  Starting at $222.50/mo

Windows Server Virtual Server Plans

Windows Virtual Server Hosting

Windows Server virtual machines running on our high performance cluster benefit greatly from the direct attachment to our Storage Area Network infrastructure. This renders them perfect for hosting Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL, or any other Enterprise application!

With Virtual Machines running Windows Server system on Webfire's Virtual Machine infrastructure, you get an Enterprise grade Virtualization setup all backed by Webfire's excellent service levels and support, at a fraction of the cost of setting up and maintaining an in-house solution.

Win2k3 VMX 15w

  •  Windows Server 2012 R2
  •  40 GB SAN HD Space
  •  2 Virtual CPU's (vCPU's)
  •  2 GB RAM
  •  10 GB Monthly Transfers

  Starting at $50/mo

Win2k12r2 VMX 25w

  •  Windows Server 2012 R2
  •  80 GB SAN HD Space
  •  2 Virtual CPU's (vCPU's)
  •  4 GB RAM
  •  20 GB Monthly Transfers

  Starting at $90/mo

Win2k12r2 VMX 35w

  •  Windows Server 2012 R2
  •  160 GB SAN HD Space
  •  2 Virtual CPU's (vCPU's)
  •  6 GB RAM
  •  40 GB Monthly Transfers

  Starting at $165/mo

Win2k12r2 VMX 45w

  •  Windows Server 2012 R2
  •  250 GB SAN HD Space
  •  2 Virtual CPU's (vCPU's)
  •  8 GB RAM
  •  60 GB Monthly Transfers

  Starting at $247.50/mo

Technical Articles:

Where information livesStorage powered by: EMC
When we were looking for a solid foundation for our Virtualization product offerings, we found many players in the field, but none could stand up to EMC! Check out our Virtual Server page for all our new offerings!

The power to serveBackend network services powered by: FreeBSD
Strong and reliable, this operating system is world renound for its consistant terrific performance under high load and system security.